Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Framing Day 10

KiDahn and I were very surprised at the amount of progress made today. Its pretty impressive what these guys can pull off some times. Today they finished framing the upstairs:

Isn't it so easy to tell what everything is from that picture? That is taken from the back corner of our bedroom. It is pretty crazy up there right now and it is difficult to tell what everything is in the mess of 2x4's but I'll try to go through everything in the pictures below:

This is our bedroom.

This is our closet.

This is looking into the loft from our bedroom door.

This is the bedroom on the opposite corner of the master (southwest corner).

And this is taken from the south side of our loft. The room to the far left is the bathroom and next to it is the laundry room. Behind these is the master bath. To the right is the master bathroom and to the far right is the bedroom which was already framed yesterday.
They also started inspecting the first floor today. So far, so good. And they got a couple of our arches built:

View from the front door.
We were also able to get into our basement for the first time....there is a lot of water down there, but that will get pumped out after the house is sealed up and they are ready to pour the floor. You may also notice in the second picture that we have someone living in our house. There is a frog in the very center of the picture.

And on top of all this (literally) they finished most of the roof trusses. Here are a whole bunch of pictures from the outside:

Not bad for a days work! It is finally starting to look like a house!

Tomorrow's weather is looking a little spotty, and the upcoming week isn't much better. But I think if the weather holds up they will be finished framing by Friday and then its on to windows, doors and shingles early next week.


1 comment:

  1. Holy cow! I got chillbumps looking at all of today's post. So beautiful!
