Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Framing Day 13 (The End)

Today they finally finished framing. The rain managed to hold off for us again. Our wood pack has dwindled to this:

They got a roof on our sunroom:

They also started marking our floor placement of various things such as drains, cabinets, hardwood or carpet etc. Here you can see the layout of our kitchen:

And here is a view of the garage....nothing new here, just cool:

They also removed all the bracing from the upstairs, still looks like a bunch of 2x4's though. This is from the north east corner of the house which is our bedroom:

And our roofing materials were delivered today:

Here are some picture of the finished framing work from the outside:

And as we were about to leave they started to take the framing trailer away:

And that's it! Onto the next adventure. Hopefully the rain will hold off again tomorrow and they will start roofing and installing windows and doors!


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