Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Electrical Day 2 and Brick Delivery and More

Ok so time got away from me yesterday and I didn't get a post up. But I have plenty to share today.

Yesterday it looked like they finished most of the electrical work, installing outlets, switches, fan preps, can lights etc. It's kind of hard to take pictures of this stuff, but here are a few:
Kitchen electrical.

We added 6 can lights and a ceiling fan in the living room.

There are also two can lights and a center hanging light over the the area where the dining room table will be. There are four can lights in the kitchen, plus two pendant lights over the island and a light over the kitchen sink.

There are 4 can lights in the sunroom plus a ceiling fan.

This is electrical running through the garage....sorry for the blurriness, the pano mod didn't like the different levels of light.

Large trunk of wires going from one floor to the next.

This wall has gotten a little busy....

Spare bedroom wiring.

There are two more can lights in the loft plus a ceiling fan.
 They also cleaned up the house quite a bit...but now our front yard looks like this:

And today they delivered our brick, mortar, and stone:

There are a lot of bricks, you can see them stationed all around the house in these pictures:

And they started marking the place up for drywall:

They use these marks to let the drywallers know where something needs to be cut out....its convenient to be able to spray paint your floor I guess.

And that brings us to the final update. We have scheduled our pre-drywall meeting for next Thursday morning. This is the last meeting to happen before drywall goes in and we will walk through the house with the construction manager and make sure that everything is the way we want it. This also means there is going to be a lot happening between now and then. Most likely the brick work will be finished and they will pour our basement floor as well as the garage, driveway and hopefully sidewalks. Depending on the weather they may also need to install the furnace before they can drywall so the house is regulated to a good temperature. And of course there is sealing the house up with foam, caulk and's going to be a busy couple of weeks.


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