Thursday, September 3, 2015

Framing Day 11

Well today's work day got cut a little short, it started raining off and on around 1 today and it has been raining pretty hard all evening. None-the-less they did get some more work done today, just not as much as we had hoped. They put in the other two arches, so now all the archways are complete:
Standing at the back of the sunroom.

Standing in the hallway.
The entry way from the garage.
Standing in the front doorway.

They were also able to get some more roof work done before the rain came in. They finished most of the lower level roof over the garage, office, and front entrance. However they still need to do the roof over the sunroom.

KiDahn is not happy that I am on the roof....
And here are some pictures from the outside:

Not sure why this picture looks distorted....

And that's it for the day. Hopefully we will get a little more lucky with the weather tomorrow and see the rest of the roof go up.


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