Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Brick Day 1 & 2, Sealing and Inspections

It's been a busy few days out at the house. On Monday they did the first round of sealing, which includes caulking seams and putting in foam around outlets:

This prevents drafts from coming through or warm air leaking out. Tomorrow they will put in insulation and seal around the windows and then, after drywall, there will be another round of sealing of various things. I'll be sure to point that out when we get there. This sealing may not seem like too big of a deal, but it is a major part in what will make the house very efficient.

They also started brick work:

There have also been several inspections over the past few days:

We passed all but one of them. The one failure was for a couple of fairly minor things which can be fixed without issue and the inspector approved construction to continue while those issues are resolved.

Today we also had our pre-drywall meeting with the construction manager. We went through the house in detail, inside and out, and made sure everything was the way we wanted it and addressed the things we wanted changed. This went pretty smoothly. They will continue work tomorrow with insulation, and drywall will go in on Monday. I'm sure we will see the drywall delivered on Thursday or Friday though.

Brick work will continue....for a while. Apparently the crew we have doing brick consists of 1 man, I have no idea why. The other crews are 4 people, but we have a one man show I guess. At the end of the day today he had finished one row all the way around the house. That first bit takes the most time I guess, but still slow progress. He is doing a good job though so I'm not going to complain for now. Our construction manager (Drew) says it will probably take him 2-3 weeks. He is going to focus on the front of the house first so that we can be done with the heavy equipment around the house soon. This means we can put in the driveway. Drew thinks we will have a driveway (and hopefully sidewalks) before the week of the 12th of October. We should also start to see things like cabinets go in around this time as well.


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