Monday, August 31, 2015

Framing Day 8

More good progress today. Things have been going pretty well, only a couple standing issues. The window in the kitchen and the stairs are still not totally fixed. They made the stairs all the same height and width, but I am very much not happy with the way they are constructed. We will see where that complaints have been voiced.

But I'm not going to dwell on the issues, lets look at the progress:
Standing on the southwest corner of the house. They finished the floor and most of the exterior walls are built, but only one of them is up.
Standing in the northeast corner. This will be the corner of the master bedroom.
Looking through our bedroom window into the sunroom.
Looking out of our bedroom window.
They did some more work on the roof over the garage. You can see toward the end is the area where there will be a bench seat in one of the bedrooms.
A view from the back corner of our lot.

From the east side.
From the southwest.
They had nearly all the exterior walls built and laying around the site as I'm sure you noticed, so I think it is safe to assume that they will get those up tomorrow. The week is looking good for weather so far, only some rain forecasted for Thursday.


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