Monday, August 24, 2015

Framing Day 3

They got a lot of good work done today and the house is really starting to take shape! Here are some pictures of the garage which is mostly framed out at this point:
Here you can see that they are still holding one of the walls up with a lift.
Both the single and double bay is framed.
Service door on the west side of the house.
Standing where the office will be looking into the garage.

They also build the basement stairs. I'm thinking they may try to put these in tomorrow:

They also got several other walls up, or have started building them as you can see in this panorama:
I'm standing in the corner of the office here.
Of course KiDahn is in the start of her sunroom as you can see here:

The sunroom is coming along quickly, I think they will be done with it by tomorrow:

You can also see in these pictures that the wall in the living room is up and they are nearly done with the wall that will have the fireplace with windows on either side:

Here are some more views from the back and sides so you can see the whole construction site:

The weather still looks excellent for the rest of the week so I think we are on track to see a second story before the end of the week. They should be able to finish the exterior walls tomorrow I hope.

Also here is a new gif of the progress so far:



  1. The time lapse is awesome. You also captured which car you chose for the day :)

    1. Thanks, i'm realizing now though that my angle is too low, I will have to adjust as the second floor goes up.

      Also I tried to park the cars in the same spot, MDX in the driveway and STi on the street but there always seems to be something in the way so that didn't always work out.
