Thursday, August 27, 2015

Framing Day 6

6 days of framing down and the first floor is done! Below are a bunch of pictures of all the rooms, unfortunately I think it is pretty hard to tell what is going on in all the pictures because there are just 2x4's all over the place. But check it out, I put what you are looking at in the captions:
Here I am standing on our temporary front porch, and KiDahn is enjoying the view into her new office.

Looking into the office from the front hallway.

Standing the hallway looking down into the family entry off of the garage.

looking into the closet off of the main hallway, downstairs bathroom is off to the right.

This picture is the downstairs bathroom.

Standing in the kitchen and looking into the pantry.

Standing under the archway connecting the dinning area and the living room. Looking at the kitchen (window is still the wrong size....).

The sunroom. Standing in the same spot as the last picture.

Standing in the same spot as the last two picture, this time looking into the living room.

Looks like our other set of stairs is mostly ready.

Hard to tell what anything is in this picture, but its taken from the entry off of the garage....I think.

Standing at the front door.

The view from the office.

Here I am standing at the entry to the sunroom taking a panorama from the kitchen to the living room.
Here is a shot from the back and up above as well as from across the street:

You can see they are still building components on the ground as well. They built a lot of trusses today as well as sections which will support the joists for the second floor:

There were also plans posted for the layout of the second floor deck:

So tomorrow is once again going to be a very nice day and I think we will see the second floor start to go up. Very excited to see that happen, I'll post pictures as soon as we have them!


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