Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Neighborhood

The subdivision was actually started back in 2006 when a home builder called Pulte bought the land. They built up about half of the neighborhood before the recession hit and the housing market in Detroit crashed in 2009. They suspended all construction in the area at that point. Last year a company called Lombardo Homes bought the property and they are who we have contracted to build our house.

Below is the site plan. We have chosen lot #179. The areas that are in darker green are houses that were built by Pulte several years ago. The ones with numbers are in development now and the areas to the west are future development areas which will also be run by lombardo.

We chose lot #179 mainly because it is the only lot available which can fit all of the things that we want. I'll get into the specifics of the house in a later post, but we added extensions to the house in both directions which increase the square footage and we also added a sunroom off the back of the house and a three car garage. With all of these things lot #179 was the only one which had a "building envelop" big enough for us. 

We don't have a detailed site plan yet, but I found the property's master deed and attempted to figure out the orientation from that by drawing a mostly scaled foot print of our house and just setting on the site plan. Below is the result. The dark lines are the property lines, the dotted lines denote various easements from the city for things like sidewalks or where underground utilities are and so we cannot build on those areas.


1 comment:

  1. OK. I see some information about the neighborhood. But what about the neighbors?!?!
